• Forest Action Plan  

    The 2008 Farm Bill required each state to assess the forest conditions and trends within their boundaries, delineate priority forest landscapes, and identify the issues, threats, and opportunities facing these landscapes. Five primary issues were identified.

    • Wildfire and Public Safety
    • Central Texas Woodlands Conservation
    • Sustainability of Forest Resources in East Texas
    • Urban Forest Sustainability 
    • Water Resources


    From this state assessment, a forest resource strategy was developed to address these issues. Together, the assessment and strategy make up the Texas Forest Action Plan. The plan was developed based on three national themes: conserve working forests, protect forests from harm, and enhance public benefits from trees and forests. 


    The National Priorities document serves as a record of activities taken by all Texas cooperators to address strategies identified in the Texas Forest Action Plan. These actions will be updated every five years and reflect progress made in implementing the plan since the last revision. The document below highlights activities towards the 2015 Texas Forest Action Plan. 

    Please access the 2020 Texas Forest Action Plan documents at the following links: 

    2020 Texas Forest Action Plan 

    2020 Forest Action Plan Viewer 

     National Priorities

    Public Input and Comments Requested
    Texas A&M Forest Service is requesting comments on the 2020 Texas Forest Action Plan. Please share your thoughts at the following link.


     Comments for the 2020 Texas Forest Action Plan